How to replace a door

The glass in the entry door was cracked and the frame pretty worse for wear, so it was really time for a new door.The old door was a common size so it was no problem finding a replacement.This is ...
The glass in the entry door was cracked and the frame pretty worse for wear, so it was really time for a new door.The old door was a common size so it was no problem finding a replacement.This is ...
Introduction and Plan Child-proof maybe a bit too strong of a term to use for this gate as there will always be some kid who will figure out how to scarper over the top of it, so maybe ...
Preparation, holes dug and posts concrete in We already had a hedge around the property boundary but still needed a fence to make a safe enclosure for the dog and grandkids. We opted for a 900mm ...
Introduction - Floor plan This article explains how a temporary floor was made for a galvanized steel shed.We emphasize 'temporary' because the floor was not anchored to the ground in any ...
The supporting branch or beam Introduction This is more or less your traditional basic rope swing, which might be seen hanging from the branch of a suitable tree in many a yard.In our case, ...
Introduction, positioning and post holes Introduction. In this project the measurements are given in both metric (mm) and imperial (inches). The metric dimensions are written first followed by ...
Introduction - Plans - Lumber Introduction A fair amount of thought had to go into the design of these gates.The driveway had an uphill slope, therefore the bottom of the gates had to be about ...
Making the formwork profile Introduction When the concrete gate posts were first made we didn't give too much thought as to what sort of cap would adorn the tops.Then, while on a ...
Introduction and Sectional Plan Drawing When building a low retaining wall in the garden or backyard for whatever reason (maybe just to level the section a bit), including some steps into the ...
Introduction, digging the hole and the plan drawing Introduction Not only does a concrete gate post look good and have a bit of a stately feel about it, but unlike its lumber counterpart it is ...
Introduction Time to replace the double hinged driveway gates with a single sliding gate. Why? For both practical reasons and convenience.The existing gates were only a couple of years old and ...