house and property makeover

How to replace a door

A Door

The glass in the entry door was cracked and the frame pretty worse for wear, so it was really time for a new door.The old door was a common size so it was no problem finding a replacement.This is ...

How to make a shed floor

How to make a shed floor

Introduction - Floor plan This article explains how a temporary floor was made for a galvanized steel shed.We emphasize 'temporary' because the floor was not anchored to the ground in any ...

How to make a Rope Swing

How to make a Rope Swing

The supporting branch or beam Introduction This is more or less your traditional basic rope swing, which might be seen hanging from the branch of a suitable tree in many a yard.In our case, ...

How to make a concrete gate post


Introduction, digging the hole and the plan drawing Introduction Not only does a concrete gate post look good and have a bit of a stately feel about it, but unlike its lumber counterpart it is ...

How to make a Sliding Gate

sliding gate

Introduction Time to replace the double hinged driveway gates with a single sliding gate. Why? For both practical reasons and convenience.The existing gates were only a couple of years old and ...

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